
to Being with Horses

The Chance to be with horses, step up in the saddle become part of their world, keeps us pulling on our heading for the stable.

Through the beat of footfalls, the blow of breath, we enter a mystical world we knew as children, if only in imagination.
Being-with-Horses follows the principal that if a horse is given the freedom to live the life intended for a herd animal in an open setting with an abundance of fresh feed and ample space to enjoy the comfort of his herd members he will transfer this sense of wellbeing and balance to his riders.


Veronika Danzer-La Fortune invites you to the world of being and healing with horses.

Our herd is free to roam 16 hours a day in open paddocks and corrals. They mingle with each other freely day and night. Each day they carry our visitors to the sea and swim across the bay free from the restrictions of bridle or saddle. They thoroughly enjoy the experience with their rider while they are maintaining their lustrous coats and powerful bodies!!  Because they are free to be without stress or anxiety, these horses have a heightened insight into their rider and are able to create full partnership. The horse will help the rider to find balance in body, mind and spirit and the union is one of freedom and harmony unlike any other experience.

We need you

See more about being with horses and the healing with horses foundation in this video.

Video from Andrea Borges


Veronika Danzer-LaFortune – the founder and director of the Healing with Horses Foundation – were honored at a special ceremony.

The Story about being and healing with horses

Veronika La Fortune at International Womens Day 2023.



At Healing With Horses Foundation, we celebrate another successful year of Love and Attention. A special thank you to you, our kind sponsor/friend/family member. We share with you our annual Report and appreciate a reply that you have received same.


Dear Jennifer

Grateful x You have given me a direction in my Journey here in Tobago x The past 15 years you blessed us with your spirit x I learned to listen to Horses …by simply being in your presence x Your strength, stamina, endurance and clarity led us to where we are today. I remember your soft coat x The mane was like silk x Your movement so smooth, your body so sensitive x So tender yet so magnificent and energetic x Walking side by side x Flowing x Dancing with you made it easy to go into the space where no control was allowed x The more I let go, the more you gave your all x A Gift was felt and it is still here … that – through letting go a whole new Universe is opening and surprising x Only by Trust – this can be encountered x Thank you beautiful chestnut mare x Your everlasting softness will continue to give us the awareness we need to be able to open our hearts and minds to embrace the importance of just being xxxx


Have a look at

See more about being with horses and the healing with horses foundation in this video.

Video from Andrea Borges

Our Special

Swim & Trail Combination

Ride along the coastline, the woods and along the Beach…through the water…along the seaside.

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With more informations about being with horses 

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Also visit our Healing with Horses Foundation!

A very unique experience with our horses. 

See what other people have to say about us.

Watch us on YouTube.

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